On Not Looking Away: Terry Tempest Williams
Dogma doesn't hold me. Wildness does. – Terry Tempest Williams Post-Election 2012 seems like a fine time to reflect for a moment on an author who has changed [...]
Obstruction Point Road, Olympic National Park
Here is one of the places I go in my imagination when the world is too much with me (election, hurricane, climate change. . .). If you [...]
In the Irish Wilds with Nigel Peake
Henry David Thoreau famously pronounced, in his essay about walking/living, ". . . in wildness is the preservation of the world." Less elegantly, but more Alison-ly, maybe [...]
Dead Trees
Sometimes inspiration doesn't feel like inspiration. Sometimes it feels more like a kick in the gut. This week, the destruction of a hillside of trees that is [...]
Diane Wakoski’s Poem, “Why I Am Not A Painter”
My foragings last week returned me to a book and a poet that were essential to me back when I knew even less about everything than I [...]
I’d Like To Learn To Paint
This is the sort of thing that catches my eye when I'm walking in Chicago. In my imagination it shifts into a plane covered with shapes and [...]