Susana Allen Hunter’s Improvisational Quilts
Standing among Susana Allen Hunter's quilts, on loan from The Henry Ford Museum, at the Grand Rapids [Michigan] Art Museum the other day, I felt waves of [...]
Blue and Green: What It Smells and Sounds Like
You can see that the sun was shining on my head, hot but not too. Here's what you can't see: the clean coppery aroma* of last summer's [...]
Wallace Stevens: “There are a lot of things one ought to do”
When is the last time you walked up to a shelf of books—in your house or somewhere else—randomly pulled one off the shelf, opened it up, and [...]
Gary Snyder on Remaining Unprepared
There is no substitute for presence. - Gary Snyder, April 24, 2013 Sometimes you have to silence your "this is not sensible" voice in order [...]
Woodland Wildflowers in the Saugatuck Dunes
I found a patch of blooming round-lobed hepatica the other day in the still-rather-brown-all-over Saugatuck Dunes. To give you a sense of how tiny these [...]
Keith Taylor’s New Chapbook
This winter I saw an exhibit of Ellsworth Kelly's plant lithographs. Large scale and deceptively simple, they felt to me to be nearly perfect art because they [...]