Alison Swan's Blog

Alison Swan’s Blog2017-09-04T15:55:45+00:00


By |October 13th, 2011|

  When our Daylight Savings Time-delayed dawn finally began around 8 this morning, I was relieved to find fog and an overcast sky. The kaleidoscopic brilliance of [...]


By |October 10th, 2011|

Have you been thinking about ArtPrize? I have. I stumbled on one Laguna Beach, California blogger's praise for the event. The praise and the comments are interesting. [...]

Thesauruses (Thesauri!)

By |October 5th, 2011|

In the Mark Doty interview I mentioned Monday he compares using words found in a thesaurus to donning someone else's clothes. Hmmm. I'm sympathetic, but I know [...]

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